Can Dogs Eat Plums? Nutritional Benefits of Plums (2023)

Quick Summary:

Can Dogs Eat Plums? And more importantly, are plums safe for dogs? NO plums can be toxic for dogs and should only be given in MODERATION.

Dogs are omnivorous, so they eat both veg and non-veg foods. Ideally, your dog’s diet should only consist of quality dog food, but who doesn’t like to share their food with their pup?

Whether you’re in the midst of plum season or scored some in the dead of winter, keep a few things in mind before giving in to those sad puppy eyes begging.

Are Plums Dangerous for Dogs?

Are Plums Dangerous for Dogs

The “meat” of the plum isn’t unsafe. However, the pit of the plum is potentially toxic to dogs, and the plum plant (leaves and branches) itself is very toxic to dogs because the plant and pits both contain cyanide.

Plum plant can potentially cause plum poisoning in dogs. Plum plant can provide amygdalin, cyanogen, and prunasin to your dogs. While it’s unlikely one plum pit, leaf, or stem will be toxic to a dog, it’s best you don’t let them develop a taste for any of it.

If Your Dog Ate Plums, Watch for Cyanide Poisoning or Plum Poisoning

Again, it would take a lot of plum pits or frequent plum plant grazing to create cyanide toxicity in your dog, but knowing the signs never hurts, especially if plum plants are accessible to your dog.

Symptoms to look for include:

  • Difficulty walking/standing (dog acting like they’re drunk)
  • Muscle tremors/seizures
  • Coma
  • Death

A More Likely Danger: Intestinal Obstruction

One plum pit probably won’t cause any issues toxin-wise, but it can create another dangerous problem for your dog: an intestinal blockage.

If your dog eats a plum pit that’s too big to fit through its intestines, it will wedge in the digestive tract and become unable to move. This prevents food from passing through the intestines, and it’s 100 percent fatal if it isn’t removed surgically.

Signs of an intestinal blockage include:

  • Vomiting immediately after eating/drinking
  • Lack of appetite
  • Diarrhea that quickly progresses to no bowel movements
  • Abdominal pain (your dog will walk with their back hunched or be unable to get comfortable)
  • Lethargy
  • Pale gums

My dog ate a plum pit. Should I induce vomiting at home?

Are Plums Dangerous for Dogs (1)

No. Making your dog throw up an object that could potentially block its intestines means it could possibly obstruct its airway when it comes back up. No matter the size of the plum pit, you should always have your vet evaluate whether inducing vomiting is appropriate.

While plums aren’t dangerous to dogs, their pits and plants are, so it’s safer to just keep them to the family table and give your pup something else to nom on.

Do not be confused. Any stone fruit can carry cyanide for your dogs. Let alone plum fruit, stone fruit like peach can carry cyanide.

Cyanide isn’t much of a danger with plums, but the risk of an intestinal blockage is pretty high, so make sure your trash isn’t accessible to your dog if your family eats a lot of plums.

Are Plums Safe for Dogs?

Bowl of Purple Fruit

Can Dogs Eat Plums?

Plums are non-toxic and are safe for dogs to consume after sowing. The correct answer is yes. Dogs can also enjoy plums as a delicious snack with peace of mind. However, you should know a few essential things before giving your dog a snack with a bowl of fruit, especially those associated with prunes.

This fruit contains one large stone, which is said to be the most dangerous bone for pets. However, the fleshy part of prunes is safe for most dogs to consume.

Can Dogs Eat Plums – Nutritional Benefits of Plums

Although plums are not highly nutritious, they contain good vitamins A and C, essential antioxidants supporting a healthy immune system. It also reduces inflammation and helps maintain healthy bones and cartilage.

Vitamin A helps maintain healthy eyesight and skin and coat care. Dogs do not require vitamin A and C supplements in their diet, but occasionally a few slices of prunes are not harmful and can undoubtedly be beneficial.

Plums are also a source of fiber needed to support healthy digestion, reduce constipation, and control blood sugar levels. In addition, plums have a relatively high moisture content as a refreshing snack and moisture for dogs like us.

However, plums pulp actually contains a lot of sugar, so be careful and always eat in moderation. Overeating sugar can lead to weight gain and obesity, risk of developing other health problems like diabetes.

Also Read: The benefits of Longans for Dogs

Can Dogs Eat Plums? Health & Wellbeing

Although dogs need a lot of animal-based protein and fat to stay healthy, our dogs are omnivores with strong cleaning instincts. This means puppies collect meat first in the wild but don’t ignore what tastes good.

While the fruit may not be on our list of the best foods for dog dinners, it can be used to make delicious treats. Especially for your friend who always wants a bite of whatever you’re having. But what fruits can a dog eat?

Can dogs eat plums?

We’ve previously talked about peaches and cherries. Let’s take a look at plum, a cousin of the Prunus family. Can dogs also eat plums if the other fruits in the family are safe for the dog?


Yes, dogs can eat plums, and this juicy snack is perfectly safe for puppies as long as they are seedless. Plums are non-toxic and contain several vitamins and minerals, but mostly water. (About 85%.) In general, this means that dogs can eat prunes as a special sweet treat that is entirely natural and hassle-free.

Just like human food, even healthy fruits and vegetables don’t make sense to consistently feed prunes in moderation to prevent your dog from suffering colic from overeating.

Plums are rich in fiber and natural sugar and are safe in moderation, but too much can cause stomach pain in dogs. (But they’ll have to eat a few prunes before they get sick!)

You may have noticed that dogs can’t eat plums, but this is not entirely true. The pulp of the fruit is completely safe for dogs. However, the bones inside the fetus can be dangerous. So instead of saying that dogs can’t eat prunes right away, we say prunes are safe as long as they are seedless.

Is It Safe For Dogs To Eat Plums?

You’re wondering if your dog can eat prunes, and if they help your friends, don’t worry. Dogs can consume plums once the bones are removed.

Plums are mostly water (about 85%), so they are deficient in calories, low in carbohydrates, and low in fat and sodium, so they are not particularly harmful to dogs.

It does contain some essential nutrients, but the food isn’t much, and your dog won’t eat enough to be healthy because he only needs a bite or two for a snack. But it certainly won’t harm them, and prunes are a natural and beneficial treatment option.

Can Dogs Eat Plums? Nutritional Benefits of Plums (2023)

Plums contain fiber, which helps your dog feel full and use the toilet on time. It also contains vitamins A, C, and K and several B vitamins and minerals such as potassium, copper, and manganese.

However, these vitamins and minerals are not at very high levels, so puppies should still consume a complete and healthy dog ​​food that provides all the nutrients they need.

However, a little additive won’t harm your dog, and it’s a more natural and healthier meal than something like bacon or brown biscuits. Plums are also rich in antioxidants that will always pamper your dog.


Can Dogs Eat Plums? Nutritional Benefits of Plums (2023)

No, prunes are not necessarily bad for dogs. As I said, it’s mostly water, and nothing in the fruit’s pulp makes your dog sick like salt. The real problem with plums is the bones.

First, plum seeds pose a choking hazard to dogs and may even cause digestive tract obstruction. Also, the stone has a sharp tip, which can irritate your dog’s esophagus or intestines and cause injury if swallowed.

Second, plum pits contain amygdalin, a naturally occurring compound found in most fruits’ seeds, including peaches and cherries.

The amygdala is released when it breaks down stones or grains and is converted to cyanide in the body. If you like crime dramas or novels, you will know that cyanide is highly toxic.

Fortunately, there is not enough cyanide in a single plum pit to risk your dog’s life. However, this can make them sick, and if stones are swallowed, your dog is more likely to experience stomach upset and blockages, as mentioned above.

Plum pits alone are not enough to kill a dog from poisoning, but they can be a severe suffocation hazard that can put your dog at risk.

So no, the prunes themselves are fine for dogs, but the hole in the middle of the fruit can be a problem. Bone (or bones) must be removed before feeding your dog prunes.

Can Dogs Eat Plums? How Do I Feed My Dog Plums?

Swiss Dog with Bowl of Purple Fruit

Plums for dogs, should be washed, sliced, and punctured before feeding them to their furry friend. Fruits should always be washed before feeding to dogs.

This will not only remove dust but will also wash away pesticides or harmful chemical residues. Plum seeds can be very dangerous and must be removed before feeding your dog.

Remove the hole immediately so Fido cannot hit the spot with his foot. Then cut the plums so that they do not choke. It is worth noting that dogs cannot be fed prunes.

It’s just plums. These dried fruits have a higher sugar content and are not toxic, but can cause gastrointestinal unbalance and lead to diseases such as diarrhea.

How Often Should I Feed My Dog Plums?

Vizsla Puppy in Front of Fruit Vines

Plums can sometimes be given to dogs as a treatment. Plums, like all snacks and snacks, should be eaten in moderation. Puppies can eat a few pieces of plum slices twice a week, but no more.

Despite knowing that fruit is healthy and contains many nutrients, our dogs do not need to eat as much as we do to stay healthy.

The high sugar content of prunes may contribute to weight gain. Excessive drainage can cause gastrointestinal upset. This is usually true if you have good drainage and your intestines are sensitive.

Are Plums Bad for Dogs?

There are a few risks that you need to know before giving prunes to your dog. Plums themselves are harmless to dogs and can be safely consumed as a tasty snack, but there are some severe risks you should be aware of before giving the fruit to your pet.

Although some are nutritious and most of the flesh is harmless, the bones can be hazardous for your hairy friends. If your puppy is suffering from an illness, it’s always best to ask your veterinarian whether dogs can eat plums before incorporating prunes into their diet as treatment.

Can dogs Eat Plums? Cyanide and Plum Poisoning

It’s important to know that some parts of plums, including their leaves, roots, stems, and pits, contain amygdalin, which needs to be broken down into hydrogen cyanide when ingested. When consumed in large enough quantities, cyanide is just as toxic to dogs as humans.

If dogs eat enough plum seeds, they can become seriously ill. Plum cyanide poisoning can be fatal if not treated early.

Fortunately, one plum contains only a minimal amount of amygdala, so Fido needs to eat a lot to reach its toxic dose. Some dogs might be more susceptible to cyanide poisoning than others.

This includes dogs with liver disease that impairs the liver’s ability to filter toxins from the body. Because cyanide stops cellular respiration, the body cannot use it despite the large amounts of oxygen in the blood, resulting in respiratory collapse.

Cyanide poisoning can be fatal if left untreated, so detecting early signs of the disease is very important.

Symptoms of cyanide poisoning in dogs include redness of the gums, tongue, and mouth, difficulty breathing, dilated pupils, shortness of breath, tremors, rapid breathing, agitation, foaming in the mouth, seizures, collapse, and shortness of breath.

Contact your veterinarian immediately if your dog has eaten prunes and develops any of these symptoms.

However, keeping your dog out of reach of the plum bone is recommended. Accidental ingestion can, of course, occur. Contact your veterinarian immediately if your dog has eaten plum bones.

Gastric Obstruction

Plum pits can cause many problems if swallowed. Not only does it pose a choking hazard, but it can also stick to the digestive tract and cause obstruction. It can prove to be deadly if left untreated, so it’s essential to consult your vet if you think your canine may have consumed up plum seeds.

Obstructive symptoms to watch out for include vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain (barking or growling when seated or touched in a “prayer position”), constipation, lethargy, loss of appetite, and weakness. Contact your veterinarian if your dog may have eaten prune seeds and has any of these symptoms.

Another little risk of prune stones is damage to the esophagus, stomach, or intestines because the edges can be very sharp. Also, chewing plum pits is very hard and can damage your teeth.

High Sugar Content

Fruits are usually high in sugar, including prunes. These are naturally occurring sugars but still harm dogs in critical situations. Too much consumption of these sugars can contribute to weight gain, obesity, and related health problems like diabetes.

Plum pulp has the highest sugar content. Plums and canned food are not suitable for dogs. Dried prunes and canned food contain added sugar, which can cause stomach upset and cause weight gain, and obesity.

As with other sweet foods, prunes should be eaten in moderation and stockpiled as a snack for your pet. A few pieces of plum slices twice a week are enough.

Diabetic dogs are susceptible to high-sugar foods, so consult your veterinarian before offering sweet treats to your diabetic dog.

Dogs Around Plum Trees


Let me state this categorically all parts of a plum tree are poisonous to dogs!

Prunus Family of trees that include cherries, apricots, and peaches also include plum trees. All parts of these trees are dangerous for dogs, excluding the edible fruit part.

The fruit these trees produce can be toxic to dogs. As we observed in the case of plums, you have to have certain prerequisites before feeding your dog plums.

So it would help if you asked your Vet before feeding any of the fruit from the Prunus Tree Family. Like Damsons are a close relative of the plum, the same prerequisites apply.

If you have a small orchid of plums trees on your farm or have a few plum trees in your backyard, this is a very dangerous situation for your dog. They will nibble at the fallen fruit of the tree and make themselves very sick. In other words, do not let them eat the forbidden fruit *wink wink*

Wind-blown plums are a tempting treat for hungry dogs, but dogs are more likely to get sick from eating them whole:

  1. Most dogs do not know when to stop and are abused. Overeating when eating sweet and fiber-rich foods like prunes can cause stomach upset, vomiting, and diarrhea.
  2. If you don’t leave the fallen fruit at home, your dog is more likely to eat the stone.
  3. The fallen plums can begin to ferment, producing alcohol that is toxic to dogs.

So, if you’re lucky and there are plum trees in your garden, or you can pass them, make sure your puppy doesn’t pick them up.

RECAP: Can Dogs Eat Plums?

Can Dogs Eat Plums? Nutritional Benefits of Plums (2023)

As various studies have suggested, dogs can eat plums with some prerequisites. Keep the quantities low and feed the food in moderation with any new food that you introduce to your doggo. Plum pits are dangerous for dogs; they can cause severe illness and in some incidences, even injuries to the internal organs of your doggo.


Yes, there are dog plums. They are just dried plums to eat for dogs, but you must remove the seeds. Human studies show that prunes may help prevent and even reverse bone loss.

This benefit goes to dogs, so regular pruning can help keep their bones strong. However, plums have more calories than plums, so they are naturally dried to remove moisture, and all nutrients are concentrated, making them more nutritious than plums. (This is similar to how we make Pure!)


Plum jam can be delicious, but it is clogged with sugar and is not suitable for dogs in bulk.

However, because it is non-toxic, your dog can occasionally eat a little jam as a great snack, such as gargling with a spot of jam on a light crust on toast.

Avoid feeding them often or in small amounts, as eating foods high in sugar can make your dog overactive and lead to diabetes or obesity over time.

Can Dogs Eat Plums?

Final Thoughts – Can Dogs Eat Plums

I understand that all of you Smart Dog Owners have now understood that plums are toxic for your dog! So to answer the primary question, “Are Plums Safe For Dogs?“, the Quick Answer is straight NO! but if you still insist on giving your doggo a tasty treat, then there is a method to all this plum madness!

Thoroughly wash the plums, slice them and ensure no seeds are in the fruit. Amygdalin, a substance that breaks down into cyanide, is found in the seeds of the plum fruit, so it’s better if your dog stays far away from it. Moderation is key in all this plummy affair.


How much plum is toxic to dogs?

You should not feed more than one or two plum slices to your dogs. Plum stone and other parts of the plum plant are not good for dogs.

Are plums okay for dogs?

Plum stone and stems are not good for dogs. It is okay to feed one or two plum slices to your dog once a week.

How many plums can a dog eat?

Dogs can eat one or two plum slices once a week occasionally.

Can dogs eat plums and peaches?

Plums and peaches are stone fruits. Parts of plums and peaches can be harmful to dogs. Dogs cannot eat pits, stems, and leaves of plums and peaches.

What is the most toxic fruit to dogs?

Dried grapes or raisins are considered the most toxic fruits to dogs.

What fruits are highly toxic to dogs?

Grapes, raisins, avocados, tomatoes, mushrooms, nuts, garlic, and onions are highly toxic to dogs.

Can dogs have cheese?

Yes, dogs can eat cheese. Avoid feeding cheese to your lactose-intolerant doggo.

Can plums be poisonous?

Plum pit, stems, and leaves can be poisonous to dogs.

Do plums cause diarrhea in dogs?

Yes, plum pit, stems, and leaves can cause diarrhea in dogs.

Are black plums OK for dogs?

It is not a good idea to feed black plums to your dogs.

Which plums are poisonous?

You should not feed seeds, stems, and leaves of the Natal plums to your dogs.

Can dogs eat cucumbers?

Yes, you can feed cucumbers to your dogs.

Can I give plum juice to my dog?

It is not wise to feed plum juice to your dogs.

Can dogs eat ripe plums?

A small amount of ripe plum flesh is safe for dogs. Dogs cannot eat ripe plum stones, stems, and leaves.

Can dogs eat ice cream?

Yes, in moderation. Ice cream is not toxic to dogs, but it can cause digestion issues for your doggo. Avoid feeding ice cream to your dogs.

Jackob Evans

Hi, I’m Jacob. I’ve been a professional blogger for over six years, and in that time, I’ve written countless blogs that have helped millions of people worldwide. A DVM by profession, I have treated and cured thousands of dogs, if not millions.