How To Boil Chicken For Dogs? (Is Chicken Nutritious?)

How To Boil Chicken For Dogs

Dogs are a hefty bunch. Keeping a dog is probably the best and the most challenging thing for us because, well, a dog is your best friend, but when it’s hungry, you struggle to keep it calm. Ah, a dog’s hunger; it’s probably the one thing that’s never going to end. And that’s a good … Read more

Can Dogs Eat Pecans? Are They Safe for Dogs (2023)

Can Dogs Eat Pecans (1) (1)

You are probably here because you love pecans and want to share them with your dogs. Can dogs eat pecans? While your Fido loves fruity snacks, nuts are a different story. Pecans can be a delicious and healthy snack for humans, but you should not feed them to your dogs. Nuts, in general, are not … Read more

Can Dogs Eat Chicken Bones? (Food Guide 2023)

Can Dogs Eat Chicken Bones

While it may seem unusual, dogs can eat chicken bones. The answer is surprising because dogs are classified as omnivores. As an omnivore, dog anatomy proves that they can eat both animals and plants. Not all animals and plants are safe for dogs. That’s why it is natural for one to ask, “Can dogs eat … Read more

19 Best Dog Beds For Golden Retrievers (Top Picks Ahead)

Best Dog Beds For Golden Retriever

Fellow smart dog owners love golden retriever puppies despite their puppy teething and intense nesting/digging inside dog beds. Sometimes it may become hard to find the best dog bed for golden retriever puppy. Your golden retriever dog beds should be plush and soft. Ideally, smart dog owners look for machine-washable retriever dog beds with non-skid … Read more

Top 10 Airline-Approved Crates For Dogs

Top 10 Airline-Approved Crates For Dogs

It is not easy to travel with your dog on an airplane. Airlines have come up with several restrictions for pet travel. While owners may pass through a metal detector, pets need dog crates for airlines. Your dog may not feel comfortable traveling through an unknown environment. That’s why it is important to prepare your … Read more

Can Dogs Eat Cassava? Best Nutritional Guide 2023!

Can Dogs Eat Cassava

Cassavas are popular human food. They are considered healthy for humans. Not all root veggies are safe for your furry friends. So, you might ask yourself, “Can dogs eat cassava?” Luckily, raw cassavas, in moderation, are deemed safe for dogs. It is not a good idea to feed too much cassava to your dogs. Read … Read more

Can Dogs Eat Sour Candy? (Things to Know About Sour Candy)

Can Dogs Eat Sour Candy

Sour candy is a special treat for both adults and kids. You might like the way it melts in your mouth. Sour candy is a delicious treat for humans. People like having sour candies on Halloween and other events. Sour candy changes your mood, makes you happy, and tastes great! But what about your Fido? … Read more

Can Dogs Eat Paprika? Potential Health Concerns (2023)

Can Dogs Eat Paprika

Paprika is one spice added to our everyday meals for flavor and color. And, most of the time, we end up sharing those same meals with our vaccine companions. But can dogs eat paprika and foods that contain this spice? Let’s find out. Spices are one of the most common kitchen staples found in every … Read more

Can Dogs Eat Cool Whip? (Best Guide 2023)

Can Dogs Eat Cool Whip

Before we move on to the crux, we are glad that you are here. This just shows that you aren’t a careless pet parent who’d just feed anything and everything to their baby puppers without any caution. So thanks for being awesome. Every month, there are thousands of pets rushed in to vet ERs because … Read more

Can Dogs Eat Ramen Noodles? (Why Ramen Noodles Are Bad?)

Can Dogs Eat Ramen Noodles

You might love eating ramen noodles, so you ask yourself, “Can dogs eat ramen noodles?” Ramen noodles can be safe for your body, but the answer is tricky for dogs. Being a Smart Dog Owner, I do not share ramen noodles with my canine buddy, even if he looks at me with those cute puppy … Read more

Can Dogs Eat Banana Peppers? Risks of Banana Peppers (2023)

Can Dogs Eat Banana Peppers

You can use banana peppers as toppings in many human foods. Also called the “Yellow wax peppers” (banana peppers), can have a fantastic flavor and smell. Yellow peppers (NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH YELLOW WAX PEPPERS) are tempting for dogs. Banana pepper, on the other hand, is considered safe for dogs. How is that possible? … Read more

Can Dogs Eat Goat Cheese? (Benefits of Goat Cheese for Dogs)

Can Dogs Eat Goat Cheese

Giving your dog a bite of your grilled cheese is quite tempting. After all, who could resist the gooey richness of cheese? So dog owners will let their puppers have a bite of every cheesy snack. But while cheese is safe for a dog, it isn’t exactly the best snack, especially if you serve the … Read more

Can Dogs Eat Pesto? (Potential Risks Of Feeding Pesto)

Can dogs eat Pesto

I love Pesto because it turns a dish into a proper meal. Like, Pesto turns pasta into delicious food for humans. Not every human food is good for dogs. No matter how tempting it may become, Pesto is not meant for your four-legged friends. Pesto is clearly a bad choice for dogs. Being a dog … Read more

Can Dogs Eat Pita Bread? Is Pita Bread Safe?

can dogs eat pita bread

You are here probably because you love Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cuisine. People eat pita bread with various dips in the Middle Eastern region, so why not dogs? Good news! Dogs can eat pita bread. You must give it in moderation to your dogs. Smart dog owners know all about: ‘Can dogs eat pita bread?’ … Read more

Can Dogs Have Octopus? (5 Potential Risks of Octopus)

Can Dogs Have Octopus

I know you love octopuses and want to share one with your dog. But can dogs have Octopus? You are here probably because you have seen someone feeding an octopus to his/her dog, and now you are curious! We have you covered, fellow Smart Dog owner! There is a slight difference between a squid and … Read more