Can Dogs Eat Bok Choy? (Is Bok Choy Safe for Dogs?)

“Keep me healthy. Feed me greens!” – Naruto, The Dog

I love green vegetables. They keep me healthy and full of energy. Ever wondered, “Can dogs eat bok choy?”

Well, bok choy or pak choi is a healthy treat for dogs. You are here probably because you care about your dog’s health and want to check ‘Can dogs eat bok choy?’

Read this article to learn all about “Can dogs eat bok choy?”

Dogs and Bok Choy

bok choy (1)

You will be surprised to know that your favorite leafy green vegetable is Chinese cabbage. Yeah, bok choy or pak choi is also known as a “white vegetable.”

People love bok choy because of its dark green leaves and thick white stalks. But can dogs eat bok choy?

No matter what one says, bok choy or pak choi is a healthy green vegetable for your doggo. You can serve bok choy, in moderation, to your small furry friends. They won’t mind chewing dark green bok choy leaves.

Bok choy has a special relationship with your dogs. Dogs absolutely love this leafy green vegetable. It has been around for centuries.

You will find two different kinds of bok choy or pak choi in your supermarkets. Do not worry if you see a bok choy with smooth, oval green leaves and stalk. It is still a bok choy. You can call it a ‘Shanghai bok choy.’

There is almost no difference between the nutritional value of your regular bok choy and the Shanghai bok choy for dogs. I mean, both regular bok choy and Shanghai bok choy provide vitamins A and C to your dogs. Vitamins A and K in bok choy or pak choi are really good for your dog’s health.

Can dogs eat bok choy?

Can dogs eat bok choy?

Yes, you can feed bok choy, in moderation, to your dogs. Bok choy does not carry too many calories for your dogs.

People have been feeding bok choy to their dogs for centuries. A small amount of bok choy can be a healthy addition to your regular dog food.

You can feed bok choy to your Boxers and Pugs. Bok choy can be a valuable dog treat because it provides antioxidants to your dogs.

You should feed your dogs bok choy when you feel your large dawg needs healthy and nutritious foods. Bok choy is a great option for your dogs.

Do not worry if your kids grab a piece of bok choy and feed it to your cute, furry friends. Your four-legged friends may love bok choy.

Can dogs eat bok choy?

Now that you know that bok choy is good for dogs, it comes with its own risks. I am saying that it is okay to feed bok choy to your dogs. Bok choy is a healthy veggie for your doggo.

Fresh bok choy leaves contain valuable nutrients for your dogs. A small amount of fresh bok choy pieces can easily provide vitamins A, C, and K to your doggo.

I mean that you should be careful while feeding any new food to your dogs. It is always a good idea to consult your veterinarian before feeding any new food to your dogs.

Is Bok Choy Safe for Dogs?

The answer is, “Yes, in moderation.” Bok choy, in moderation, is a healthy and nutritious food for your dogs. You can serve it as a dog treat. Bok choy protects dogs recover against different diseases.

Can dogs eat bok choy? Dogs can have food allergies. You have to ensure that your dog is not allergic to bok choy before introducing it to your dogs.

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to know whether your dog is allergic to any food without feeding him that food first. Your vet may help you determine whether your dog is allergic to a new food or not.

Your vet may advise feeding a small amount of bok choy to your dog first and then checking him for signs of food allergies. Symptoms of food allergies include vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation.

You should always cut bok choy into bite-sized pieces before feeding them to your dogs. Large bok choy pieces pose a choking hazard to small dog breeds. If you have an aggressive chewer at home, you may want to cut bok choy into bite-sized pieces before serving them to your dogs.

How Is Bok Choy Good for Dogs?

Can Dogs Eat Bok Choy? (Is Bok Choy Safe for Dogs?)

Bok choy contains beneficial nutrients for dogs. Dogs obtain antioxidants from bok choy. Well, you should know that bok choy stalks carry no nutritional benefit for your four-legged friends.

So, I do not feed my dogs white stalk pieces of bok choy. I am a Keto fan, and I am happy to tell you that bok choy does not carry too many calories for your dogs.

Bok choy can be an excellent choice for dogs facing eye diseases, arthritis, and heart health problems.

It is a good idea to feed bok choy to your dogs because bok choy is not likely to lead to problems associated with weight gain, obesity, and diabetes in dogs.

You should know that bok choy is a nutrient-dense vegetable. So, always serve it in moderation to your dogs. Bok choy, in moderation, can make your dog healthy. Bok choy can be a healthy addition to older dogs’ diets.

Nutrition in bok choy for dogs

Can dogs eat bok choy? This is perhaps the best part of this article. Let me tell you about the nutritional value of bok choy leaves for dogs. Bok contains the following nutrients for dogs:

  • Total Fats 0%
  • Saturated Fats 0%
  • Cholesterol 0%
  • Sodium 2%
  • Potassium 7%
  • Total Carbohydrate 0%0
  • Dietary Fiber 4%
  • Protein 3%
  • Vitamin C 75%
  • Calcium 10%
  • Iron 4%
  • Vitamin B6 10%
  • Magnesium 4%
  • Vitamin D 0%
  • Cobalamin 0%

As you can see, bok choy is packed with nutrients for dogs. Bok choy leaves provide vitamin C to your dogs. You will also find vitamin K in your bok choy for dogs.

Potassium in bok choy is good for your dogs. Even though bok choy is good for your dogs, you should only feed it in moderation.

Health Benefits of Feeding Your Dog Bok Choy

Health Benefits of Feeding Your Dog Bok Choy

Bok choy is a source of essential vitamins and minerals for your dogs. Bok choy provides antioxidants to your dogs. Antioxidants, such as vitamin C, can help dogs fight against free radicals.

Vitamin C in bok choy protects your dogs against different diseases such as Scurvy. Antioxidants, such as vitamin C, in bok choy boost your dog’s immune system. Small, bite-sized bok choy pieces can easily meet your dog’s daily vitamin C requirement.

Vitamin B6 in bok choy protects your dogs against heart diseases. If you have older dogs at your home, you should feed bok choy, in moderation, to your dogs. Vitamin B6 in bok choy will maintain your dog’s heart health.

Bok choy is good for your dog’s bone health. If your large dawg has arthritis, you should consider feeding bok choy to your large dawg. Bok choy can protect your dogs against kidney diseases.

Bok choy provides dietary fiber to your dogs. Dietary fiber in bok choy helps dogs with digestion. Bok choy help dogs maintain the Potassium-Sodium balance.

Bok choy can help reduce inflammation in dogs. You should consider feeding bok choy to your picky pooch if he has thyroid function problems. Bok choy helps improve thyroid functions in dogs.

Vitamin A, Lutein, and Zeaxanthin in bok choy improve your dog’s vision. Bok choy helps prevent vision problems in older dogs.

Vitamin K in bok choy is good for protein synthesis in dogs. Vets know that vitamin K helps improve the blood clotting function in dogs. Bok choy can be used as a source of vitamin K for dogs.

How to Feed Bok Choy to Your Dog?

You should wash and cut bok choy leaves into small, bite-sized pieces before serving them to your dogs. Large bok choy leaves can become a choking hazard to your dogs. Bok choy, in excess, can cause an upset stomach, diarrhea, and loose stools in dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Baby Bok Choy?

Baby Bok Choy

Yes, in moderation. You can feed baby bok choy to your dogs. Baby bok choy, in excess, can cause diarrhea and upset stomachs in dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Bok Choy Plants?

Bok Choy Plants

Bok choy leaves and white stalks are safe for dogs. Make sure that you feed only a few bok choy pieces to your dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Raw Bok Choy?

Raw bok choy, in moderation, is safe for dogs. You should cut raw bok choy into small, bite-sized pieces before serving them to your dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Cooked Bok Choy?

Cooked Bok Choy

Yes, in moderation. Make sure that your cooked bok choy for dogs does not contain any spices or seasonings for your dogs. Dogs, unlike humans, cannot tolerate too many spices or seasonings.

Can Dogs Eat Steamed Bok Choy?

Yes, steamed bok choy is good for dogs. Remember, you should feed your dogs only moderate portions of steamed bok choy. Steamed bok choy, in excess, can cause loose stools and diarrhea in dogs.

What vegetables are toxic to dogs?


Dogs cannot eat onions, leeks, and chives. Onions, in any form, can be toxic to dogs. You should not feed your dogs anything that contains onions, leeks, and chives.

Tomatoes and Raisins are not safe for dogs. Avoid feeding anything that contains tomatoes and raisins to your dogs. Remember, unlike bok choy, dogs cannot easily digest Avocados. Avocados can be toxic to dogs.

Do not think about feeding your dogs all types of mushrooms and nuts. Make sure that you consult your vet before trying to feed anything new to your dog. Your vet can prevent you from feeding toxic vegetables to your dogs.

What leafy greens can dogs eat?

Dogs can eat bok choy in moderation. Small amounts of bok choy are not likely to harm your dogs. Bok choy is also known as ‘Chinese Cabbage.’ Lettuce, spinach, chard, and kale are also good for dogs.

Final Thoughts | Can Dogs Eat Bok Choy?

Can dogs eat bok choy? Bok choy is a valuable, nutritious, and healthy treat for dogs. You should feed only moderate portions of bok choy leaves to your dogs. White bok choy stalks do not carry any nutritious value for your dogs. Feeding bok choy in excess leads to loose stools and diarrhea in dogs.

You should always consult your vet before introducing bok choy to your dogs. Bok choy, in moderation, can protect older dogs against several diseases. Consult your veterinary nutritionist before introducing bok choy to your dogs.

Does the vet recommend feeding bok choy to dogs?

Veterinary nutritionists may recommend feeding your dogs moderate portions of bok choy. It depends upon your dog’s diet and condition. Remember, bok choy leaves carry too much vitamin C.

A few bite-sized bok choy pieces can easily meet your dog’s daily vitamin C need. So, your veterinary nutritionist may consider your dog’s weight, height, diet, and health condition before recommending bok choy to your dog.

Can Puppies eat bok choy?

Can puppies eat vegetables? Yes, you can feed your puppies small amounts of bok choy leaves. It would be best f you wash bok choy leaves before dicing them for your puppies.

Puppies can easily digest small pieces of bok choy leaves. Large bok choy leaves pose a choking hazard to small dog breeds.

Avoid feeding white stalks of bok choy to your puppies because it carries no nutritional value for your puppies. Bok choy leaves, on the other hand, can be a healthy and nutritious treat for your puppies.

Can Diabetic dogs can eat bok choy?

Bok choy is a healthy treat for your diabetic dogs. Dogs having diabetes do not need too many calories in their regular diet. Bok choy does not provide too many calories to your diabetic dogs.

Can dogs eat bok choy daily?

No matter how it feels, dogs are fine eating the same thing daily. We suggest that you refrain from feeding bok choy to your dogs daily. You can always replace bok choy with other healthy vegetables for dogs.

Do bok choy cause stomach problem in dogs?

Bok choy, in excess, can cause several digestion problems for dogs. Dogs can have loose stools, an upset stomach, and diarrhea after eating an excess amount of bok choy.

What happens if my dog eats bok in a large amount?

Dogs can have diarrhea and loose stools after eating bok choy in large amounts. Bok choy in large amounts can lead to stomach aches in dogs.

Large amounts of bok choy can cause discomfort in dogs. You should contact your vet if you observe symptoms of food allergies in your dogs.

Can dogs eat mustard greens?

Can Dogs Eat Bok Choy? (Is Bok Choy Safe for Dogs?)

Yes, in moderation. Mustard greens can be a healthy treat for dogs. Mustard greens are good for your dog’s vision and digestion.

You want to feed only a few mustard greens to your dogs. It is always a good idea to consult your veterinarian nutritionist before introducing mustard greens to your dogs for the first time.

Can dogs eat Brussels Sprouts?

Brussels Sprouts

Yes, in moderation. You can feed Brussels Sprouts to your dogs. Make sure that you do not feed too many Brussels Sprouts to your dogs. Brussel Sprouts, in moderation, can be a healthy treat for your dogs.

Can Shih Tzu eat bok choy?

Shih Tzu

Yes, in moderation. Bok choy can be a healthy treat for your Shih Tzu. Always cut bok choy leaves into small bite-sized pieces before feeding bok choy to your Shih Tzu. A small piece of bok choy can be a good source of vitamin C for your Shih Tzu.

Can my dog eat a cruciferous vegetable?

Your dog can eat a boiled or steamed cruciferous vegetable. A boiled or steamed cruciferous vegetable can be a healthy treat for your dog.

Is sweet potato good for dogs?

sweet potato

Yes, you can feed boiled or cooked sweet potato to your dog. Make sure that you peel the sweet potato skin before serving it to your dog.

Can dogs eat broccoli?


Yes, you can feed a small amount of broccoli to your dogs. Broccoli, in excess, can cause gastric problems in dogs.

Is green bean safe for my dog?

Yes, any type of green bean can be a healthy treat for your doggo. You can always ask Smart Dog Owners about green beans for dogs.

Can dogs eat raw meat?

Yes, you can feed raw meat to your dogs. Raw meat is not a completely balanced diet for your four-legged friends.

Can dogs eat collard greens?

Can Dogs Eat Bok Choy? (Is Bok Choy Safe for Dogs?)

Yes, you can feed collard greens in moderation to your dogs. Collard greens can provide your dogs with vitamins C, E, and K.

Can dogs eat zucchini?

Yes, you can feed small quantities of zucchini to your dogs. A small amount of raw zucchini served as dog treats can be a good source of vitamin A for dogs.

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Jackob Evans

Hi, I’m Jacob. I’ve been a professional blogger for over six years, and in that time, I’ve written countless blogs that have helped millions of people worldwide. A DVM by profession, I have treated and cured thousands of dogs, if not millions.