Can Dogs Eat Passion Fruit? Risk of Passion Fruit (2023)

When you’re a dog parent, you want the best for your pupper. From providing your pup with a healthy environment to ensuring it’s living the best life, you want your dog to be happy. And if there’s one thing that you can’t compromise on, it’s food. Can Dogs Eat Passion Fruit?

Unfortunately, you can’t feed your dog everything. Dogs love to gobble up anything in sight, but there’s a lot that they can’t digest. Some foods can be fatal to dogs too.

Passion Fruit

Can Dogs Eat Passion Fruit?

The straight and honest answer is no if you’re wondering whether dogs can eat passion fruit. Passion fruit is one of the few foods that can harm a dog if eaten, so it’s best if you avoid serving your dog passion fruit.

How Much Passion Fruit Can Your Dog Eat?

 Passion Fruit (6)

Even though dogs can’t eat passion fruit, if you are set on giving your dog a little nibble of the fruit, there’s a sure way to do so.

Since passion fruit is not recommended for dogs, you should avoid them. If you want to give your dog a little passion fruit for its benefits, you can serve it in tiny portions once a month.

Serving passion fruit to dogs in large quantities or daily can harm their health. However, if you serve passion fruit in smaller portions and limit the consumption to once a month, your dog can benefit from the passion fruit’s nutrients and stay safe.

Health Benefits of Passion Fruit for Dogs

If passion fruit is bad for dogs, why do some dog parents still want to serve it?

Yes, passion fruit is not recommended for dogs. But that doesn’t mean it’s not beneficial either. There are a lot of benefits to eating passion fruit for dogs and humans.

High in Protein

Passion fruit is rich in protein. While dogs aren’t carnivores and don’t have to be on a high-protein diet, protein is good for them and should be given to them in little amounts.

Ample in Vitamins

Passion fruit contains Vitamin A, B, and C.

Dogs need Vitamin A to grow a healthy coat and for muscle and nerve function.

Dogs need vitamin B but can’t make it on their own, so it is necessary to incorporate vitamin B into their diets. Vitamin B helps dogs absorb proteins and fats.

Dogs can produce their Vitamin C, so it’s not a necessary component of a dog’s diet, but it wouldn’t harm your dog to get a little extra.

Rich in Minerals

Passion fruit contains minerals like Iron and Potassium, which a dog needs for a healthy metabolism.

High in Antioxidants

How To Feed Your Dog Passion Fruit?

Dogs require antioxidants to promote healthy muscle functions and prevent inflammation. Passion fruit is enriched with antioxidants like beta carotene.

If you’re bent on giving your dog passion fruit, you must follow this method:

Remove the Rind

One of the most harmful parts of passion fruit for dogs is its rind. The rind is too toxic for a dog to digest, so you must peel it off and immediately discard it.

Don’t let your dog eat passion fruit’s rind, even by accident.

De-seed the Passion Fruit

After removing the rind, you’ll be left with the flesh of the passion fruit. The flesh of the passion fruit is full of seeds, which–though safe for us to eat–are very harmful to dogs.

Deseeding the flesh of the passion fruit will be a tough job as the flesh contains many seeds. It will take a lot of time and patience, but don’t ignore this step because you must ensure the flesh is cleaned of every single seed.

Small, Controlled Portions

Once you’ve deseeded the flesh, serve your dog the flesh in only small quantities. Please don’t feed your dog passion fruit regularly; instead, give it an occasional treat.

Why Passion Fruit May Be Unsafe for Dogs

There are many reasons passion fruit may be unsafe for your dog.

Cyanide Can be Fatal

Passion fruit can be deadly if it’s unripe for dogs and their dog parents. Unripe passion fruit contains cyanide, which is highly toxic to us and our dogs. However, the cyanide concentration decreases when passion fruit ripens, making it relatively safer.

It Can Induce Vomiting and Diarrhea

If the passion fruit’s seeds or rind is eaten in small quantities by accident, it won’t be fatal to your dog, but it can make things very messy. Your dog could get diarrhea, vomiting, stomach ache, and other health issues which may last for a few days.

It Could Trigger Allergies

While uncommon, it is possible that eating a passion fruit could trigger an allergic reaction in your pupper. If your dog is allergic to something, the passion fruit could flare up the allergy, even if fed in controlled quantities. 

Other Exotic Fruits That Are Unsafe for Dogs

Passion fruit is not the only exotic fruit considered unsafe for your dog. Other exotic fruits that your dog shouldn’t eat are:



Dogs can eat ripe lychee in moderation, but eating unripe lychee or lychee in large quantities is very dangerous. Unripe lychee contains Methylene Cyclopropyl-Glycine (MCPG), a compound that can lower your puppy’s blood sugar to a dangerous level.

Acai Berry

Acai Berry

Acai berry is as dangerous as chocolate; do not feed your dog any acai berry, even in moderation.



Eating breadfruit can cause problems with a dog’s digestive system. It is best to avoid feeding your dog breadfruit.



Dogs cannot eat Durian because its seeds have a high cyanide concentration. Even if you’re deseeding the pulp, durian is unsuitable for your dog.

Can Dogs Eat the Passion Fruit Vine?

Yes, dogs can eat the passion fruit vine, but in moderation.

It seems like a surprise, right? It turns out that the passion fruit vine isn’t harmful to your dog, at least from the purple and yellow passion fruit. But vets don’t recommend taking this as a sign to feed your dog the passion fruit vine.

Your dog can have an innocent chew on the passion fruit vine, but only if it’s from the passion fruit species that does not have a toxic vine. Some variations of passion fruit have vines that are equally harmful as the fruit, so don’t let your dog munch on the vine if you don’t know if it’s safe.

Additionally, even though some variations of passion fruit vine are safe, eating it in moderation is recommended because eating a lot can trigger stomach problems.

So, Should You Feed Passion Fruit to Your Dog or Not?

Let’s be blunt here; you shouldn’t feed your dog passion fruit. Passion fruit is unsuitable for dogs because it can cause intestinal problems, trigger allergies and even be fatal if eaten improperly.

The safest way to feed passion fruit is by removing the flesh from the rind and deseeding it completely. But, let’s face it, the hassle of removing the seeds, separating the rind, and being alert when you’re feeding your dog some passion fruit isn’t worth it in the long run.

If you are set on feeding your dog passion fruit, it isn’t necessarily toxic, but you must ensure that you’re serving it correctly. Even a single mistake while serving can harm your dog, which is why serving your dog passion fruit, isn’t suggested.

How Can Passion Fruit Be Bad for Dogs?

Passion fruits eaten in moderation aren’t bad for your dog, but if you feed your dog passion fruit excessively or regularly, you’re placing your dog in harm’s way. Many things can go wrong when your dog eats passion fruit, so it’s advised not to serve it.

Stomach Problems

Eating passion fruit can cause mild to severe stomach issues in dogs. Mild problems include vomiting and diarrhea. But if eaten in large quantities or regularly, passion fruit can irritate your dog’s stomach.

When your dog’s stomach is irritated, it won’t function properly whenever your dog eats. So, your dog’s appetite will take a hit, and your dog could get stomach pains that last a while.

Chronic Health Issues

Passion fruit can trigger chronic gastrointestinal (stomach and intestine) issues. These problems may begin with a mild stomach ache but could persist for a few days or even months.

Can Diabetic Dogs Eat Passion Fruit?

Can Dogs Eat Passion Fruit (5)

You may feed a dog some passion fruit in moderation, but if your dog is diabetic, avoid the passion fruit at all costs.

You see, passion fruit contains a lot of sugar. The high sugar content in passion fruit is not recommended for dogs, let alone diabetic dogs. Feeding a diabetic dog passion fruit can trigger severe reactions and boost the dog’s blood sugar to a dangerously high level.

If you want your diabetic dog to take advantage of a passion fruit’s nutritional properties, you can look for alternatives that offer the same benefits. You’ll find plenty of fruits and vegetables with almost the same nutritional capacity as a passion fruit, which you can feed safely to your dog.

What If Your Dog Eats a Full Passion Fruit?

If you love passion fruit and have a dog in your house, it is advised to put the passion fruit in a place the dog can’t reach it. If your dog accidentally nibbles on passion fruit, the dog could be in danger.

Here are a few steps that you should take to ensure your dog is out of harm’s way:

Don’t Panic

The first thing you have to do is not panic. Yes, we understand how worried you must be if your dog accidentally ate a whole passion fruit. But remember that our dogs look towards their hoomans for support, and if you’re panicking, it will stress your fur baby.

Calm your nerves and speak in a soft, soothing tone, so you don’t startle your dog. Approach the dog calmly and keep a smile on your face so your dog doesn’t sense that something could be wrong.

Monitor Your Dog’s Behavior

If your dog does eat whole passion fruit, it won’t immediately be in danger. Symptoms can take time, and your dog could have a delayed reaction.

Monitor your dog’s behavior carefully. If your dog is acting strangely, immediately visit the vet.

Behaviors to Look for:

Dog parents will know when their furry friends are in distress. But if you’re new to the game, here are some concerning behaviors you should look for:

  • Gnawing and pawing at the furniture in an unusual way or a sudden manner
  • Whining or whimpering suddenly
  • Laying in a corner or being subdued and uncharacteristically lazy

Induce Vomit

If you know your dog ate a whole passion fruit, you should immediately try to induce vomiting. Inducing vomiting may be uncomfortable for a while, but it will allow your dog to spit out most of the fruit before it begins digesting.

Sometimes, your dog’s vet will ask you to induce vomiting before you visit the hospital. Ensure you know how to induce vomiting safely; otherwise, it will hurt your dog.

To induce vomiting, don’t place your hand up your dog’s throat as it can be painful and uncomfortable. Instead, use a 3% Hydrogen Peroxide solution. Don’t administer the solution on your own; ask for guidance from the vet or an experienced dog parent.

Contact the Vet

You should contact your dog’s vet whether or not your dog reacts slowly to the passion fruit. Let the vet know about the problem, and they will guide you about first aid (if needed) and necessary precautions.

What Foods Can You Feed Your Dog Instead of Passion Fruit?

There are plenty of fruits you can feed your dog instead of passion fruit. Some fruits offer almost the same nutritional benefits as passion fruit and are safe for a dog’s consumption.


water melon for dog

One of the healthiest fruits your dog can eat is watermelon.

Watermelon has more than 90% water, which makes it a great source of hydration for dogs in summer. But that’s not the only benefit of watermelon; watermelon contains vitamin A and Vitamin C, which are beneficial for dogs.



You must remove the core and the hard skin, but pineapple is an excellent treat for your dog. The sweet, tangy fruit is rich in antioxidants and boosts digestion.



If there’s one fruit that’s highly beneficial for your dog and safe to eat, it’s mango. Mangoes contain Vitamin A, B, C, and E and are rich in antioxidants and minerals like iron, potassium, and calcium, which are very useful to dogs.


Bananas are packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber, so they’re always a good snack for your dog. Bananas also contain a lot of sugar, so you have to watch how much you’re serving; otherwise, you’ll have a dog with zoomies that could last an hour

Purple Passion Fruit

Passion fruit comes in many color variations, like yellow and purple. Purple passion fruit has a dark magenta or purple rind with yellow flesh.

The rind of the purple passion fruit is highly toxic for your dog and mustn’t be served. The seeds of the purple passion fruit are also harmful to your pupper and must be picked out properly before you serve passion fruit to your dog.

passion fruit for dogs

The Final Take: Can Dogs Eat Passion Fruit?

Passion fruits are not safe for dogs and should not be served to them. The only safe way to feed your dog passion fruit is by serving the flesh without the seeds and the rind, a task which can be unpleasant and taxing.

If you want your dog to benefit from the passion fruit’s nutritional value, you can look toward alternative fruits like watermelons, mangoes, coconuts, and bananas.

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Jackob Evans

Hi, I’m Jacob. I’ve been a professional blogger for over six years, and in that time, I’ve written countless blogs that have helped millions of people worldwide. A DVM by profession, I have treated and cured thousands of dogs, if not millions.

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