Are Peanuts Safe For Dogs? (Are Peanuts Safe For Dogs?)

Can Dogs Have Peanuts?

Peanuts don’t get enough credit. They’re crunchy, salty, and filling. While they have a reputation for being high in fat, they’re filled with good fat!

Before you banish peanuts from your diet because of their caloric content, you should consider the health benefits available to you. If peanuts are good for you, are they good for your dog, too?

Are Peanuts Safe For Dogs?

Your dog can safely have peanuts if you give them in moderation only. When you’re purchasing a jar of nuts, buy the unsalted, unflavored peanuts if you’re giving them to your dog. Salt isn’t good for dogs because it can lead to high blood pressure, dehydration, and stomach upset.

Too much salt given at once can even cause salt poisoning. As for the health benefits of peanuts, they’re loaded with monounsaturated fats. These are the types of fats that are very good for heart health and are linked to the reduction in heart disease.

The nutrients found in peanuts are also beneficial in improving a dog’s overall health. Among these nutrients are vitamin E, niacin, calcium, and manganese. The calcium is good for creating strong bones and teeth, while niacin is great for brain function and cognitive decay due to age.

There are also a lot of antioxidants in nuts, and they actually contain more antioxidants than apples, carrots, beets, and blackberries! Antioxidants decrease the risk of certain diseases, including cancer, arthritis, diabetes, and heart disease. The amount of fiber is perfect for lowering the risk of colon cancer.

Interestingly, peanuts contain something called Coenzyme Q10. It works to protect the heart when it’s not getting enough oxygen via the blood. People who switch from a low altitude to a higher one can benefit from snacking on peanuts until they adjust to the elevation change.

The protein content is what makes peanuts so popular among athletes and dieters. Protein helps fill you up and give you more energy, and it benefits dogs in the same way. Your active dog can safely eat a few peanuts while you’re out on a hike and they need something to perk them up.

Allergies, Shells and Peanut Safety

First, if your dog has a history of allergies, whether they’re food or environmental, you shouldn’t give them any kind of nut. Nuts, especially peanuts, are common allergens in dogs.

If your pup has had an allergic reaction in the past, you don’t want to risk giving them something that could cause a very severe allergic reaction. Dogs who do experience an allergic reaction might only have GI upset immediately or shortly after eating the peanuts.

Some dogs will vomit right away, while others will have diarrhea for the next 24 hours or so. Other dogs will develop hives, which are raised, itchy welts all over their body. Hives necessitate an immediate vet visit for the administration of an antihistamine and a steroid.

Because of the fat content of peanuts, dogs who have had pancreatitis before shouldn’t have them. Most likely your dog was put on a low-fat diet after they were diagnosed, and peanuts are definitely not a low-fat food.

Nuts of any kind aren’t a good choice for dogs with a history of bladder stones, either. If you want to avoid an expensive surgery, you should keep your peanuts away from your dog.

Under no circumstances should you give dogs peanuts that are still in their shell. The shells are hard to digest, and the way they break makes them hard to swallow and they could potentially get lodged in the throat.

There isn’t really any need for your dog to ever eat peanuts or nuts of any kind. If you’re giving them some, they should be given strictly as treats and not as a daily food choice. Stick to their regular dog food and treats formulated for dogs and you won’t have to worry about any side effects.

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Jackob Evans

Hi, I’m Jacob. I’ve been a professional blogger for over six years, and in that time, I’ve written countless blogs that have helped millions of people worldwide. A DVM by profession, I have treated and cured thousands of dogs, if not millions.

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